Genius Gadgets for Round-the-World Trips

Embarking on a trip around the world can be one of life’s biggest adventures! After updating your passport, booking your flights and accommodations and purchasing annual travel insurance, you may want to consider acquiring a few practical gadgets to help you organize further towards a smooth and comfortable journey.
This is a selection of gadgets I have found extremely useful when travelling long-haul myself. Apple iPad

Maybe one of the most obvious gadgets for travel, but there really is no other device that packs as much punch as the iPad, whether mini or full sized. Instead of taking your laptop on your round-the-world trip, pack you iPad for an operating system, camera, photo storage, online access, music and helpful travel apps. If you anticipate typing a lot while you are away, consider buying the keyboard accessory.

Use your iPad to take photos of your important travel documents and information, including your passport, annual travel insurance information, itineraries and reservation confirmations as backup copies.

Skross All-in-One Plug Adaptor

Since you will be visiting a number of countries, you no doubt will be charging your electronics using different plug and socket types. This world travel adapter will save you time and frustration by allowing you to charge everything in each country with ease. iClever BoostCube USB Wall Charger

No need for your electronics to wait their turn to be charged! This charger comes in one, two or six port options to meet all your charging needs. The cool thing about this particular brand is that its “SmartID” technology allows it to sense the device being charged and will adjust the amount of juice and speed that is required accordingly. You will find this a lot faster than older chargers, especially when charging newer technology models.

Overboard iPad and Tablet Waterproof Case

Remember all the photographed documents you have stored on your iPad, such as your passport, itineraries and annual travel insurance information? All will be kept safe and sound inside this fabulous waterproof case. With your iPad sealed from the different elements you will experience in various climates, this case will even keep your iPad protected in up to six metres of water!

The case has a clear front so you will still be able to do all things you love to do like taking photos, listening to music and catching up with friends and family online. The case also comes with a rear hand loop, shoulder straps and a padded back for added mobility and comfort.

Ostrich Pillow Light

When we think of gadgets we tend to think of electronics, but this gadget is far from anything needing a cord or charger. If you’ve ever tried to grab an impromptu nap in a moving vehicle, whether it be a bus, train or airplane, you know the bumps and lack of space to rest your head can make it pretty much impossible. This cushy pillow fits over the head and also blocks out light and noise. Next to annual travel insurance, we consider this gadget a godsend.

Patrick Chong is the Managing Director of InsureMore, an award-winning team of specialists in global single trip and annual travel insurance policies. Besides offering great deals on travel insurance, Patrick also collects and shares the best free travel competitions to help his clients get the most out of their holidays.

The Roles of a Commercial Claims Adjuster

A commercial claims adjuster had quite a number of responsibilities but their main duty is basically to make investigation of claims on behalf of an insurance company; the insurance company wants to make sure that any claims an insured party makes is actually genuine. There are so many cases of people that cause accidents deliberately so that they can make a payment claim to their insurer in addition to accidents that are the result of negligence but they will still want to get compensated. Since insurance companies don’t want to find themselves in a situation where they are overwhelmed by claims that they are not able to settle all of them, they will always send their commercial claims adjuster to do some investigations before they can make any settlement. In addition to that, it is the work of the insurance adjuster to bring clarity on any grey arrears in an insurance policy.

A commercial claims adjuster is also the person who will decide the amount that you are meant to get paid as a complainant. Once they are done with their investigations, they will do calculations and advice your insurance company on whether the amounts you are claiming is worthwhile. Some of the important factors that they take into consideration will include the damage done on the insured item in relation to its original cost. Because of the work of insurance adjusters liability costs are these days settled better and faster. Once they begin a claims support, they will also make sure that they follow up the process until its logical end and ensure that it happens within the right time frame.

It is also the responsibility of a Dallas insurance adjuster to make sure that all the legal issues and costs are avoided as much as possible; the reason is that any matters that take the legal route will mean that the company will also end up spending more money unnecessarily. The commercial claims adjuster will therefore ensure that they try and get the best deal possible for the complainant without injuring the insurance company’s financial base. They are aware that when a client is not satisfied with the compensation offered they will go to court and this will therefore mean extra expenditure for the insurer and, as a result, the insurance adjuster tries their best to handle the situation so it doesn’t have to go to a level that will be harmful to the company.

Since you need an all American public adjusters, it is therefore very important who you choose when it comes to handling such a vital role for your company or business. There are a few unscrupulous adjusters that don’t actually know what they are meant to be doing and some that don’t have the capacity to handle any complex situations; always insist on adjusters that are qualified and experienced.

Holiday How To: Car Hire Excess Insurance Unpacked

If you’re planning an exciting adventure, as well as getting your itinerary together and looking for the most daring places to explore, you’ll need to make sure you have insurance. Not only that, but it’s got to be the right kind of insurance for you, especially if you’re planning to hire a vehicle as well. In this case, car hire excess insurance is the way to go. But what is it, and why do you need it?
What is Car Hire Excess Insurance All About?

For a holiday full of thrills or a road trip of rebellion, you might be thinking about hiring a car to get you around easily. Having car hire excess insurance will mean you can avoid having to pay the hefty fines that a rental company might bestow if the vehicle, God forbid, is damaged or stolen. Nobody wants to spend money on car damage when the funds were supposed to be used for water sports and bungee jumping, right?

Can You Give Me an Example?

Think about it this way: if your hire car is damaged, and the resulting cost is £800 to repair it, you will have to pay your excess fee to the rental company. This could be, for example, £600 out of the total cost, which means the hire company pays the remaining £200. However, with an excess policy, you can avoid this altogether and reclaim the additional repair costs.

But the Company Said I’m Already Insured…

Although car rentals often come with a standard insurance policy, they don’t always provide full protection. Things like windows or tyres might not be covered at all, and so you’d be faced with paying the additional charge if they were damaged.

Choosing car hire excess insurance is always going to work out cheaper in the long run, even if your vehicle is returned unscathed. Hire companies that offer excess cover over the counter often end up charging you more (sometimes more than £15 a day) for less expansive protection.

What are My Options?

There are plenty of packages when it comes to insurance, and each are suited to a different type of holidaymaker, so it’s not too tricky to pick the one that’s right for you. Available policies include single trip and multi-trip as well as family and business coverage. You could also opt for more comprehensive packages, which offer cover for bodily injuries and damage to third party vehicles.

When you’re getting ready for your next journey into the unknown, just make sure you find the best way to stay financially protected. Thankfully, there are some specialist companies out there who offer fantastic comprehensive cover (including vehicle excess!) for the most adventurous and fearless holidaymakers among us.

Author Plate Ethan Bailey is an experienced adventure traveller and insurance expert with the team at Let’s Go Insure. Ethan’s passion is to inspire his clients to go just that little bit further, deeper and higher on their travels and his expertise in providing the ideal insurance cover allows them to do just that. If you’re looking for the best car hire excess insurance Let’s Go works with the most experienced underwriters, intermediaries and insurers to offer a range of competitive insurance without compromising on cover.

Biometric Access Systems to Control Your Home

Security is not just for workplaces or companies anymore as each and every place have taken the advanced approach for each walk of life. In the midst of all the technological advancement, it is not okay to leave our homes behind presumably for the reason that even the ones who are thinking to break into your house are also keeping up to date with technology. On second thoughts, you might be thinking that security systems might be only for the affluent but you might give another thought to this one. More and more people, irrespective of their income, are switching to security systems such as biometric access control systems to keep their house lock free but secured.
Biometric access systems are similar to the conventional lock and keys that are meant to keep out unauthorised people from your home. However, these systems have a benefit of not carrying the key and then misplacing it for the worse. They also eliminate the possibility of leaving you out of your very home if you forget the keys inside your home.

There are various types of such lock systems such as voice activated systems and smart card access systems. Some of the devices may also be activated through phones but these devices are best suitable for use in offices where logging of entry and exit is needed. For homes, biometric access systems may be used to embed keyless lock systems that are in favour of security and convenience of household owners.

Household biometric access systems take a unique body part as part of the system for identification of authorised people. The system contains a database of these people with the information of the body part which is used to match records when that identifying body part is introduced to the device. Usually, thumb prints are entered into the database because of the fact that every thumb print is unique to an individual. With respect to security of your home, this can mean a lot taking into account the ease of breaking locks or duplicating the keys to our locks. Thumb prints, on the other hand, cannot be replicated or be goofed with and hence these systems make for a foolproof lock mechanism.

Some of the security systems also are embedded with smoke detectors and is Wi-Fi connected as well as may be connected to USBs.

Being the perfect lock system, the biometric access control system may be a very good option, better option I should say that may be incorporated in your home to ensure safety and security of your home. After all the safety and security of your home is as good as that for your family. Live happy and stay safe.